Yianna Orphanidou
Yianna Orphanidou is a lecturer in the field of hospitality and tourism at Intercollege and University of Nicosia. For a number of years she was the chairperson of the Institute of Hospitality (IH), Cyprus Branch (former HCIMA). She a fellow member of IH and a board member of the Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI). She holds an HND in hotel management (F&B specialization) from HHIC, a BA (HONS) in hospitality management and an M.Sc. in hospitality and tourism education from Surrey University (UK). She is an accredited trainer from the Human Resource Department Authority of Cyprus as well as a member of the National Reflection Committee of the Cyprus Organization for Standardisation for the Tourism Services. Her research interests includes among others Tourism sustainability, Hospitality labor shortage and intercative design of training and curriculum paths for Tourism and Hospitality programs. She has participated in the technical teams and coordinated numerous EU-funded projects as well as National and International projects. Throughout her career Yianna Orphanidou has published in peer review academic journals and contributed to book publications.