Thomas Dimopoulos
Τhomas is the Director and founder of AXIA CHARTERED SURVEYORS. He was appointed at the European Board of IVSC (International Valuation Standards Council) on January 2020. He is also Assistant Professor and Director of Real Estate Programmes at Neapolis University and Visiting Lecturer at Cyprus University of Technology. He holds a PhD from Cyprus University of Technology, a M.Eng. in Rural and Surveying Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessalonica, and a MSc in Real Estate from Oxford Brookes University. He was chairman of RICS Cyprus (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) from 2017 until 2022 and member of the board of the Association of Property Valuers in Cyprus. Before AXIA he worked in several companies in Cyprus and abroad. He has also published several articles in accredited international journals. His research and publications focus on property valuation methodologies, property taxation, geospatial data analysis and Mass Appraisals with the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques.